Antonio Capizzi
Antonio Capizzi is a Associate professor of Commercial Law at the Department of Legal Sciences - University of Rome La Sapienza, as well as a member of the board of teachers of the doctorate at the same department in "Private Autonomy, Business, Labour and the Protection of Rights in the European and International Perspective". He is qualified as a associate professor in Commercial Law. He teaches Banking Law, Bankruptcy Law and Labour Law, and International and European Commercial Law.
He also teach International and European Commercial Law in the Master of European Studies, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL), Wuhan, PRC.
He graduated in Civil Law in 2010, discussing a thesis entitled 'L'exceptio doli nel quadro delle clausole generali', supervisor Prof. Nicolò Lipari, receiving the distinction of publishing the thesis. Also at La Sapienza, he obtained his doctorate in Economic and Business Law in 2015.
He was a research fellow at Sapienza University of Rome and the Free University of Bolzano.
In 2021-2024 he was Tenure-track researcher of Commercial Law at the Department of Legal Sciences - University of Rome La Sapienza
He has been a visiting research fellow at IALS (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies) in London and a Visiting Researcher at EBA (European Banking Authority), funded thanks to the 'Felice Gianani' grant awarded by ABI (Italian Banking Association) and the Italian Students Fund.
He has been the holder, as PI, of funds awarded on a competitive basis as part of university projects.
He is PI of the PRIN (Research Program of National Interest) “Thiresia - hierarchical clustering and abstract-making of case-law decisions"
He is a member of the Rome editorial staff of the journal Giurisprudenza commerciale.
He is the author of a book titled "Operazioni straordinarie e tutela degli investitori - tra rimedi ostatitvi e rimedi compensativi" (Extraordinary transactions and investor protection - between hostile remedies and compensatory remedies), and of articles on corporate, bankruptcy, banking and financial market law published in leading national and international journals. He has been a speaker at many conferences
He is also a lawyer operating in the areas of corporate law, bankruptcy law and commercial contracts law.